Slavery-free, carbon considerate chocolate with a taste to treasure
- Location Falmouth, Cornwall
- Working on Slavery in chocolate; zero carbon; zero palm oil; creating year-round jobs in Cornwall
Working as a pastry chef in Cornwall, Mike Longman was always keen to use local produce and to work with local companies, but he couldn’t find a chocolate supplier. “What could I do to change that?” Mike thought. He stopped searching and started making.
From the very beginning, back in 2012, Mike wanted to Chocolarder to be the best and not just in terms of taste. He wanted the company to have a high standard of ethics and sustainable practices. Chocolarder use no plastic in their packaging (which is recyclable and compostable), are free from palm oil and emulsifiers and source their products from slavery-free suppliers.
They are also a great example of a year-round business in an area of the UK that is highly dependent on tourism and other seasonal work. Chocolarder makes gorgeous chocolates for the whole year.
Why they are different:
The DK staff have differing tastes, but Chocolarder’s products have consistently blown us all away. Every step of their bean-to-bar process is executed with care and thought and their products have won multiple awards. We will fight for the last truffle in any of their boxes.
Why they are kind:
As well as their own ethical and sustainable practices, Chocolarder also collaborate with the RSPB on a project in the Gola Rainforest in Sierra Leone and with Cool Earth on a project in Asháninka, Peru.
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